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Hapkido Lineage


Grandmaster Choi Yong Sool
(Disciple of "Takaeda Sogoku")

Grandmaster Ji Han Jae
(Founder of Hapkido)
(Founder of the first Hapkido school "Song Moo Kwan")
(Founder of "Korea Hapkido Association")

GM Oh Se Lim
GM Kim Duk In
GM Kim Jin Pal
GM Kim Nam Je
(First Generation Students & Masters of Hapkido "Song Moo Kwan" period)

Korea Hapkido Federation Lineage


Grandmaster Oh Se Lim
(President of "Korea Hapkido Federation")
also known as "Dae Han Hapkido Hyup Hwe"


Korea Hapkido Federation Kyung Mu Kwan
(Seoul Oldest Hapkido School)
(Founder: Grandmaster Kim Nam Je)

Korea Hapkido Federation Duk Moo Hapkido
(Largest Hapkido School in UK)
(Founder: Grandmaster Kim Duk In)

Korea Hapkido Federation Jin Jung Kwan
(Founder: Grandmaster Kim Myung Lyong)

Korea Hapkido Federation Singapore
(Founder: Master Anthony Low)

Korea Hapkido Federation Singapore Lineage


Korea Hapkido Federation Singapore
(Founder: Master Anthony Low)

Kyung Mu Kwan Singapore
Intercepting Hapkido Dojang
The Hapkido of Singapore

(Chief Master Anthony Low)
(Disciple of "Grandmaster Kim Nam Je")
(Founder of "Intercepting Hapkido" & "Hapkido of Singapore")
James Chow Yew Seng
Lim Teck Wee
Daniel Tan Chin Tiong
(First Generation Disciples of Master Anthony Low)

Lawrence Tan
Major Andy Yun
James Lau
Ng Poh Lye
Prem Singh
(Second Generation Disciples of Master Anthony Low)

Joyce Tang
Ismail Bin Didih
Collin Lim
Joe Sim
John Whalen Bridge
Issac Costley
(Second Generation Disciples of Master Anthony Low)

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